Brian's Blog

Thursday, June 02, 2005

crazy class

So out of boredom I came up with some nicknames for the people in my South class.

Milton-This student/self-proclaimed professor closely resembles the character from the movie Office Space. And more importantly he talks like him too. Milton is hardcore about this class. So hardcore that he printed everyone copies of quizes. In which he handed them out to everyone that showed up today. I'm really scared about what may happen if someone steals his stapler.

Short-Shorts Stan- Typical frat guy wannabe. He dresses in uniform to class. His uniform entails kakie shorts that are a little too short, flipflops, and a Greek organization t-shirt. Today he wore a sorority shirt. He like Milton his hardcore about this class. And will be prepared to study all night and day in order to make the best grade he can. I presume this grade is going to be a C+.

Crazy Carl- Like Milton and Stan he is slightly obsessed with this class. And hes crazy. He looks like a middle-aged rock star. That has a crazy "I'm here to learn damn it!" look. He has long unbrushed hair, he wheres old t-shirts, and blue jeans. Kind of resembles a "big lebowski" type look.

I'll write more about these folks.


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