Brian's Blog

Friday, June 10, 2005

ignore the last blog

There are some major awesome benefits to eating styrofoam. Once you get past the stomach ache. For instance:
1) I now will be in existence for over a million years
2) I float and can be used as a flotation device--I actually got certified by the USCG to be functional life saving device. I have to wear a tag on my belly now!
3) I keep cold things cool.
4) I keep hot things warm.

There are some small disadvantages though. Here they are:
1) I have a stomach ache.
2) I can't be microwaved.
3) I can't achieve my goal as a deep sea diver.

Obviously, you can see that there are only 3 disadvantages and 4 benefits. So the cost outweigh the benefits in eating styrofoam. Peace out!


At 8:11 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

I ate styrofoam once. It made my fillings hurt.


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