Who still wears their graduation gown?
Everyone who still wears their graduation gown raise their hand. I better see all your hands up!
Since we got to keep our caps, gowns, tassles, and cape thingies I have decided to incorporate this commencement ensemble into my daily wardrobe. So far, I have worn the collection to the mall, church, out to eat, fishing, my South class (I attempted to show Silk the Shocker up- I succeeded), a bar, swimming, and working out. I have found that the public loves SHC graduates. Often while wearing the garb, many people stare and take pictures. I think its because of the fact that they have never seen an SHC graduate before and they know that they are of a lesser kind so they must capture the moment. However, a very said thing happened a few days ago. While, hiking through the great wilderness known as West Mobile my gown got caught in a briar patch. While I struggled to free myself from the unrelenting shrubbery I ripped a small hole in my gown. Though, I escaped unharmed my gown did not. After 3 hours of crying and a bottle of whiskey I turned to my Mommy for some help in sewing the threads back up. She said sure and asked why I had tears in my eyes and alcohol on my breath. I replied, "Don't worry about it--just sew woman!" So she did. I now I am reunited with my gown. Which I am wearing at the moment. So, all is good.
I understand your antipathy towards onions, brian. I can eat them in stuff, but I don't get onions on my sandwiches, in salads, or eat onion rings or anything. This is blasphemy to Mags, though, whose favorite thing is sizzling onions in some olive oil. Be careful, she might try to light your gown on fire in revenge for your hatred towards onions!
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