Brian's Blog

Friday, July 29, 2005

I'm back!

I'm back from the beach. And I read a really good book. No. It wasn't a Harry Potter book. I finished up Freakonomics. It was really good and it made me think about a lot things that I most likely wouldn't think about. It also answered some questions that I have wondered about over the years of studying economics. I give it a rating of 4 yellow turtles holding sugar canes. Which is the icon my rating system has.

Also, I'm sure most of you who read this blog are wondering about the Harry Potter books. Over the week I didn't read any of them. After thinking about it, I knew it would be an unwise decision to read just one. And after further pondering I figured that I wasn't going to force myself to read one either. The books aren't a subject I'm interested in. If I wanted to read one I would've done it by now. So thats the end of that. No more Harry Potter based blogs from me. Harry Potter is a bastard. I'm just kidding ya'll!

Friday, July 22, 2005

Harry Potter Sucks Part 2

Even though many of you have tried to sway my opinion of the Harry Potter series, the credibility of the author, and the depth of the books. I still strongly believe that the books lack depth and the literary substance. I also know that ya'll do not take my opinion seriously because I have never read any of them myself, which I understand totally. So in order to gain some credibility for myself this week I am going to try to get my hand on a Harry Potter book, most likely one of the later ones because it sounds like they are more mature and "deep". I will let ya'll know when I get back what I think. I may even call one of you if you are lucky enough. It will most likely be you Maggie, since you left the most hateful comment and the smallest one too...showing me that you maybe too filled with hate to even comment on my opinion.

Right now, I am going to try to respond to some of your arguments left on my comment page. Since, I have never read any of the books my opinion is different from a lot of people because they have read them. Try to look at it from my point of view as someone who sees a bunch of hype. I'm sure many of you can relate because we have all witnessed how the masses seem crazy. For example, recent crazes such as Star Wars (both old and new), Beenie Babies, Ferbies, Tickle Me Elmos, Brittany Spears, Backstreet Boys, Reality TV and Napoleon Dynamite strongly resemble the same craze as Harry Potter. All of these things that society has crazed over usually had nothing to do with the quality of the product, music, tv, or movie. I am witnessing the same thing with Harry Potter.

What I see is an author pumping out a lot of books in a short amount of time. Right there that turns me off because of the fact the author is not showing much dedication to her writings. A good book to me is when you can see the authors research and creativeness that goes into to the book itself. Steinbeck did it by researching his surroundings in California. Another good comparison will be The Da Vinci Code, which also cause A LOT of hype. But to me this hype was different, I heard all over of people who said while reading the book their faith and beliefs were challenged and also that people learned about art and art history from the book, I mean the actual facts about the artwork that Brown laced into the nonfiction. Dan Brown worked with a art historian while writing the book. I'm not hearing the same questions from people who read the Harry Potter series. In fact I don't think I've heard any questions. However, its very hard for a fantasy writer to research because its fantasy, there is very little fact involved if any. So I guess I will make a comparison to another fantasy series that more closely relates to the Harry Potter series. J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings series shows unbelievable cleverness and creativeness that I see lacking in the Harry Potter series. First off, before I read any of the books I heard about the brilliantness that was put into Tolkien's series. I heard he created his own language that can be written and spoken. And also his imagery and symbolism in his books was an inspiration that many authors looked to after his writings. Tolkien unlike Rowling spent over 30 years in creating his series. The Hobbit came out in the mid-1930s while the Lord of the Rings Series was published in the mid-50s. The time spent creating his series shows in his work. Its hard for me to believe that the Harry Potter series can have the same depth that Tolkien shows in his writings. I believe if Rowling would have spent a little more time on her work it would be so much greater, especially for you the readers. Imagine if she wouldve spent another year in developing her characters, plot, and settings for her books. I'm sure ya'll would be even more impressed and intrigued than ya'll are now. The hastiness that the books are being pumped out is just such a major turn off for me. Another thing is test of time that books have yet to be up against. The books have touched one generation of people. But can and will they touch another. I know they are being read by both the young and the old of this time--which is a huge accomplishment. But will they hold up to a generation in another era? I can't answer this and neither can you but its a good thing to think about. I also can't respond to your arguement on symbolism until I read the books. So I won't. But, interpretation, especially literary, is so biased and can be seen in so many different lights. Every reader has a different feel for the each book. For example, while Spencer spoke of Harry being compared to Christ and a Christian theme, Caitlin and Jen spoke of a WWII theme. Both are very different.

Also, the plot make-up of the books, which I gathered from viewing the movies, is very shallow and unappealling to me. I have no interest in seeing the third movie. I know movies are bad ways to get a view on a literary work but the movies do follow the plot of the book while lacking in the development of the characters and setting.

So thats it for now. I'm sure there are holes in my argument, but oh well, I'm not perfect and I'm definetely not good at debating. I don't have the time to type all of my thoughts and views on the series. It would be better as a face to face discussion rather than typing. Just point out the holes in my argument. I won't cry. At least not as much as I did last night. Thanks Maggie.

I will try to read at least one of the books while I'm at the beach.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

No, Seriously Harry Potter Sucks.

Some of ya'll were confused with my Harry Potter statement. I think ya'll thought that my full reason for making the statement was to get your attention. Part of my intention was to get your attention but I also fully believe Harry Potter sucks. Its hard for me to buy into an author that produces 400+ page books every few years. I think people are buying them out of sheer curiousity about what is going to happen next rather than to read a well written book that has symbolism, hidden meanings, and other literary devices that usually make good books, well, good books. I think Harry Potter is so popular for the same reasons that soap operas are still on tv today. Everyone will agree that soap operas are not quality tv at any means, but however people are drawn into the storylines and their own curiousity as to what will happen next. I don't watch soap operas and therefore I most likely will not ever read a Harry Potter book. I'm sure I'm missing out on something. And also I will admit right here that my reasoning behind the quality of these books is very weak and I have no evidence to back it up because I have not read one page of any of them. However, based on what people discuss about the books I haven't heard any sort of statements that give any insight refering to symbolism or depth in the books. All I hear from avid readers is the question, "What do you think is going to happen next?" or "Who is going to die in the next one?". I have never heard from anyone asking, "Do you think Harry's quest to find the hidden pink panther is a reference to Napoleon's quest to take over Europe?" I'm going out of town for a week because I'm scared that my friends after reading this blog will hunt me down and turn me into a frog with their magic twigs while using invisible cloaks to sneak up on me... so there most likey won't be any journal entries for while. I'm sure there will be some comments about this blog. I think Caitlin will be the first to comment followed by Maggie, then Caitlin will respond to Maggies comment in which Maggie will respond back. Its hard to say if Spencer will comment but I believe he will because Spencer is usually bored during the day. Later guys.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Harry Potter Sucks! No seriously.

Now that I've got your attention and probably pissed you off. This is my first real journal entry.

So about 3 weeks ago. I bought a book on how to play bass like some of the top bass players in music today. I bought the book because I was really starting to get bored with playing the same stuff over and over again I wanted to learn some new and challenging things. One of the guys that is featured in the book is Victor Wooten. Probably the best bass player around. The book shows his technique and style. And the past 3 weeks I've been trying to learn his style and master his technique. I'm proud to say that I've accomplished a hell of a lot. I can now play a portion of his solo from his song "Sinister Minister" and I've actually surprised myself with the sounds I am producing from my bass. If you haven't heard the song "Sinister Minister" download it now. Not only is there an awesome bass solo, but it has awesome banjo and saxophone. I promise your jaw will drop.
There are a few set backs with learning how to do something new. First off there was a definite physical adjustment. I had a huge blister on my thumb from playing for about 2 weeks because I was too excited to stop playing and let it heal. Also my forearm was sore a for a week or so too. And my metacarpaltunnel syndrome and carpaltunnel syndrome has returned. Which really sucks. But oh well. It is worth the pain. Of course it was also a little frustrating because it was a slow process to learn his stuff. I still have a lot of improving to do with the solo and some of the other stuff that is in the book. So thats what I've been doing the past couple of weeks.

I am also reading a book called "Freakonomics". So far it is good.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


i've had many request to update my blog. i'm in the library right now. is that good enough. bye!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Ross and the Alligator

Based on a true story.

Two years ago, on the way back from our beach house my Mom decided to take a little detour down one the roads on Ft. Morgan to show us some really big sand dunes. It turns out that the road she turned down had swamps and bayous on both sides, so we went slow hoping to see some alligator or turtles. Then we spotted it, about 2 feet into the water was an alligator. My Mom, being an emotional woman, freaked out and got really excited. She pointed and yelled and jumped up and down. The creature was only about 5 feet from our family's minivan because the swamp was literally right next to the road. My Mom then explained to Ross, Nick, and I about how one could tell an alligators size by the length of the head from snout to eyes (7 inches from snout to eyes means a 7 foot alligator)--also its funny if you imagine my Mom talking in an Australian accent. This alligator, if my Mom was right, shouldve been about 12 feet long. So we stared for a bit. Then it happened. The alligator and my brother Ross met eyes. For future reference if you lock eyes with my brother Ross he freaks out like a rabid dog in heat. So my brother then yelled in a redneck accent, "Them are fighting words!", to the alligator. He then proceeded to open the van door. This is where my Mom and Nick freaked out. I laughed. Ross quickly shut the door, actually never opening it more than 3 inches. I knew Ross was playing. My Mom and little bro didnt. So my Mom fussed at him while I giggled. Nick eventually saw the brilliance in Ross's prank and laughed along too. My Mom, after calming down, laughed also. I even heard a chuckle from the gator. So we all had a big laugh. It was great.

So fastforward 2 years...
This past Tuesday an alligator at Bon Secour Wildlife Refuge was killed on Mobile Street-the name of the street we were on actually. The alligator was 11 feet long and was being fed by vacationers and people passing by. The alligator eventually just sat along the road waiting for handouts. It was witnessed by park rangers that the alligator was becoming more aggressive with people and less scared of them. So they decided to kill it. It was the same alligator Ross almost fought. And now its dead. Moral of the story is don't lock eyes with Ross or you will become moucher and eventually be killed by park rangers.