Brian's Blog

Sunday, April 30, 2006


So, I forgot I had a blog. Kind of funny I think. I've been working mostly. But I did get a new car last week. Well, its new to me at least. Its a 2003 Nissan Altima. Standard transmission, side mounted machine guns, an escape pod, a flamethrower, and a little thing that tells time (if you know what that last option is from tell me and I will give you a cookie). Its nice. I like it. And I don't feel like typing complex sentences tonight. So you will have to suffer through this choppy blog writing style. Thats the biggest thing thats happened in these past few weeks. Probably in a long while actually. Im glad I got it. Hopefully, I'll get a pic of it up soon. Work is going well. Its still really tough but I'm getting used to it. Umm, I think thats it. I'll try to keep the blog updated.

Cobb, out!