Brian's Blog

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Its a bird? Its a plane? No, its just Brian's blog. Booo!

So its bloggin' time once more. Wow! Two in one month! Yea, I guess I'm back to my normal schedule once again. So I got an interesting story that happened a while back. When I was a lifeguard at a local swim club I locked my self out of the complex. So I had to call my good 'ol friend Jay to come open it up for me. As I was waiting for Jay, I noticed a flock of birds grazing and pecking in the field by the pool. And then I noticed that the parking lot was made of gravel, meaning I had an endless supply of rocks. Unsuspecting birds+a bored Brian*a lof of rocks=fun and mischief. Don't question my math its correct, trust me. So I started throwing the rocks at the birds. Not too hard though. I didn't want to kill them and on top of that I didn't expect to hit any either. My first have dozen throws didn't come close. Then on one throw. I did it. I hit a bird and then...the rock hit another nearby bird on the bounce. Yes my friends, I hit 2 birds with one stone. So, boooyaah. That is more proof that I am awesome. My next goals I will be shooting for is too make a snowball in Hell (I found out that Hell is somewhere on the stateline of North and South Dakota) and then I will count to infiniti...twice. That story is true by the way, not some fabrication of my mind.

On another note, after curiousity got the best of me I tried out the thing, you know the site where you download a pic and they tell you which celebrity you resemble. Mine were Michael Ballack, Ralph Fiennes and a math guy by the name of Paul Duric. Duric was my first try and at a glance I thought it was Hitler. Yea, I think the site is crap, but it can be quite entertaining if you have enough pics.