Brian's Blog

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I Copy Caitlin'[s Blog Topics

So my all of my bros sleep walk or talk in their sleep on a regular basis. On a cold wintery night, my little brother Ross woke us all up by yelling for Mom in his sleep. We all ran in his room asking what is wrong. His response was, "Mom! Will you make me a puppet?" We were not amused at the time because we were all awakened from our slumber. After loosing a high stakes game of paper rock scissors with all of my conscious family, I was chosen, through defeat, to make the puppet.

A few years ago, I was watching TV in the living room. My brother Matt came in after being asleep for a few hours. He walked straight to kitchen and started rummaging around. I just assumed he was making a midnight snack. However, he returned only a few minutes later and went back to bed. He had no time to make or eat anything while in the kitchen. So I got up to see what he was fooling around with. I entered the kitchen and found that he had poured uncooked oatmeal on the floor. However, he poured most of it in the sink and on the counter. I laughed hard. I left a note to my Mom and Dad saying what happened. And to prove that my note was true I left the oatmeal as it was. Matt doesn't recall doing it but he admitted to doing it anyway.

My brother Ross also sleep walks. Once again while watching TV, I heard him go to the bathroom. Then I heard the sound of his electric razor. However, all of my brothers are extremely weird so I didn't think anything of the sound of an electric razor at 1230am. At about noon the next day I heard Ross yell, "What the hell?" I asked him what was wrong and he then proceeded to show me a chunk of his hair missing from his hairline on the front of his head. Evidently, he shaved about an inch of his scalp the night before. It wasn't noticable unless he lifted up his hair. I then explained to him what I heard the night before. We all thought it was quite humorous.

Cobb out!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Copy and Paste

Have you ever:
( ) crashed a friend's car
( ) stolen a car
(X) been dumped
(X)shoplifted-it was an accident
( )cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend
(X) helped someone else cheat on a boyfriend/ girlfriend- some girl at work was cheating on her bf and he came and asked me if she was cheating. I said I didnt know because it was none of my business. But I did know she was.
( ) been fired
(X)been in a fist fight-I have 3 bros (a total of 6 fists)
(X)snuck out of your parent's house-they were asleep and I didnt want to wake them
( ) been arrested
( ) made out with a stranger
(X) gone on a blind date
(X) had a crush on a teacher- there are so many
(X been to Europe
( X)skipped school
(Y)seen someone die- very close
( ) been to Canada
(X) been to Mexico
(X) been on a plane
(X) seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
( ) thrown up in a bar
( ) purposely set a part of myself on fire
(X) eaten Sushi-I wish I wouldve set myself on fire rather than eat sushi
( ) been snowboarding
(X) met someone in person from the internet --kind of. I met a friend of a friend
( ) been in an abusive relationship
() taken pain killers --
(X) love someone or miss someone right now
(X) made a snow angel
() had a tea party --hell no
(X) flown a kite
(X) built a sand castle
(X) gone puddle jumping
(X) jumped into a pile of leaves evidently Caitlin has never raked leaves before
( ) gone sledding
(X) cheated while playing a game
(X ) fallen asleep at work/school-ha
(X) used a fake id
( ) felt an earthquake
(X) touched a snake
(X) been tickled too many times
(X) been misunderstood
(X) petted a reindeer/goat
(X) won a contest- Mr. Universe 1983 to present
(X)run a red light
( ) been suspended from school
(X) been in a car accident
( ) had braces
( ) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(X) had deja vu
(X) danced in the moonlight
( ) hated the way you look
(X )witnessed a crime- drug deal in New Orleans and many many many other crimes
( X) pole danced
() been obsessed with post-it notes
(X) squished barefoot through the mud
(X) been lost
(X)been to the opposite side of the country Sweet Home Alabama (and a few more southern states)
(X) swam in the ocean --Pacific and Atlantic
(X) cried yourself to sleep
(X) played cops and robbers
(X) recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers
(X) sung karaoke
(X) paid for a meal with only coins- I almost paid for a plane ticket to Chicago in coins
(X) done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(X) made a prank phone call
(X) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(X) caught a snowflake on your tongue
(X) danced in the rain
(X) written a letter to Santa Claus
() watched the sun rise with someone you care about-- not yet, sigh
(X) blown bubbles
(X) made a bonfire on the beach-- bonfire is an understatement, bonexplosion i think fits or boninferno
(X) gone rollerskating
(X) had a wish come true
( ) humped a monkey-- one of my goals
() worn pearls
( ) jumped off a bridge
(X) screamed penis in public
(X ) ate dog/cat food- and fish
() have a little black dress
(X) had a dream that you married someone
(X) glued your hand to something
( ) got your tongue stuck to a flag pole
(X) kissed a fish
(X) worn the opposite sex's clothes--I wore a girls jacket joking around
( )been a cheerleader
(X ) sat on a roof top
(X) screamed at the top of your lungs
( ) done a one-handed cartwheel
(X )talked on the phone for more than 6 hours--close
(X) stayed up all night
( ) picked and ate an apple right off the tree
(X) climbed a tree
( ) had a tree house in elementry
( ) scared to watch scary movies
(X) believed in ghosts
( ) have more than 30 pairs of shoes
(X) gone streaking--skinny dipping, its like a wet form of streaking
(X) pushed into a pool/lake with all your clothes on
( )broken a bone
(X) been easily amused
(X) caught a fish then ate it
( X) caught a butterfly---then ate it
(X) laughed so hard you cried
(X) cried so hard you laughed
(X) had someone moon/flash you
(X) lost clothes while you were sleeping- i put a shirt on the floor when I got up it was gone
( ) had something illegal shoved down your pants
(X) had to wear a uniform to school
(X) cheated on a test
(X) forgotten someone's name
(X) slept naked
() French braided someone's hair
(X) grown a beard- kind of
(X) ruled at life- refer to last blog

Friday, October 21, 2005

A Guide:How to be Brian Cobb (abridged version)

I hear how some of you want to be just like me. I've provided below some hints on how to do so.

1. You must be tall or appear to be tall. If you are lacking in height then get some stilts or something like that. However, you must learn to be graceful (in a masculine way), light on your feet, fast, and quick. Just like me. You must be over 6'2''. Not under. Under 6'2'' is unacceptable.

2. You must have above 5 part time jobs and also be in a never ending search for a full-time job. You must be a jack of all trades. Or as I like to call it a Brian of all trades. Heres, an example of a normal day at my many jobs. In one day, I put a track on an asphalt spreader, I tamed a lion, I taught myself Italian, French, and Old English and I scooped ice cream and then I took a break for lunch and I continued on with my chores and other daily happenings.

3. You have to play bass.

4. You must be a liscensed badass. Rise above all expectations of those around you, even those who expect too much of you. To be a badass you have to kill a large animal with your bare hands in which you must eat or use every piece of that animal, you must survive in the wilderness for two weeks on nothing but your wit and your will to live, and you must achieve greatness in all of your ventures both big and small. Also you can obtain your badass liscense from many sites on the web. But beware, there are some unofficial badass liscensing sites that can get you in trouble with the law later on life.

5. You can't go to bed any earlier than 1230am on a week night and 130am on the weekend and you must hit the snooze button on your alarm at least 10 times before getting upin the morning. And when you decide to get up it must be at the very last minute before there is no possible way you can be on time for whatever you are getting up for.

6. You have to have an addiction for oreos and milk.

7. Apart from cereal and oreos you must find milk utterly disgusting and almost unbearable to drink by itself.

8. Like oreos you must be addicted to sweet tea. However, don't ever mix the 2 addictions. The outcome will alway be unsatisfactory (trust me I've tried).

9. You must never pop your collar or speak on your cell phone using the speaker phone setting. If you do this all of the above will be void and your badass liscense (if applied to and recieved) will be suspended for six months and you will lose all privalages (sp) of being a badass.

U.S. Law Code 2435667: Brian Cobb will not be held responsible for any outcomes that may follow attempting the actions stated above. Any persons that attempt the above actions will achieve Cool Points based on the outcomes and the number of actions attempted and achieved. However, Cool Points can be deducted if an action results in a failure that can be considered humorous or entertaining. Such as falling off your stilts while attempting to tame a lion or kill a moose with your bare hands. This is a document of the Brian Cobb Corpation. All right reserved. Cool Points are a product of The Cool Room and shall not be used unless permission is granted from one of the designated names on the ceiling.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Greatness of Randomness

I have found that randomness always makes me and most people laugh. Meow. Here is one of the funniest experiences of my life, which of course was also one of the most random. Chocolate hot dogs. Here's what happened:

Jay and I, back around 7th grade, were riding bikes in the woods near the fish hatchery by Municipal Park. As were exploring we came to a steep hill and we had to walk our bikes up the really steep incline. At the top of the hill there was a section where it was washed out. It was like a 4ft jump to the other side and it was a 10ft drop to the bottom of the washout. So, it was a pretty interesting setting. We decided that it would be easiest to throw our bikes across rather than trying to jump the washout, which would've been cool but we weren't stupid. So as I was beginning to toss my bike. Suddenly, as of out of another dimension, a gaggle of ninjas (about 10) charged up the hill behind us. They were wearing the full ninja garb, the weird slipper/flipflops that separates their first two toes, a belt, and the hoods where the only part we could see was their eyes. Some even bore ninja stars in there belts. Instantly, Jay and I took our ninja stances preparing to fight off the group. Jay was in the Flopping Frog position while I was in the Flying Crane position. However, the herd passed the two of us knowing they would be defeated. They proceeded to jump over the washout, one even tripped and barely made it. After they passed Jay and I did what any normal person would do, our first reaction was "What the hell?" then we laughed until we cried. Still to this day it makes me laugh. We then threw our bikes past the washout and rode through the woods. Later we found the group of ninjas throwing their stars into trees, I guess they were preparing for the invasion of some European army or maybe they were waiting for their Mom's to pick them up. I don't know I'm not a doctor. But all in all it was quite funny.

Cobb out!

Monday, October 03, 2005

thanks for the comments!

And yes this blog is all true. I find it very interesting myself. I'm going to find out some more stuff from my Mom. My grandfather made a very detailed geneology that had stories and a family tree. Evidently, some of my family on my grandfathers side used to inhabit islands in the Caribbean. I will find out more on it. And I will post more.

Interesting Stuff About MY Family

Here are some interesting facts about my family and relatives:

I'm related to Jefferson Davis (the Confederate President).

One of my relatives was also a key player in the Underground Railroad-He was a steamboat captain on the Mississippi and would sneak slaves across the Mason Dixon Line. I think that would've made Davis mad.

My great grandfather introduced the yo-yo to New Orleans. He brought it down from the Chicago World's Fair, where it was introduced to the U.S..

My grandmother's cousin used to wrestle alligators while being deathly afraid of tree frogs.

Another cousin of my grandmother had one arm, which he lost in a rice mill, also he played accordian. He had a special accordian made so he could play. But still that is an amazing feat.

My Great Grandfather was really high up in the Free Mason's in New Orleans (an upperclass Protestant secret society). He got kicked out for marrying a Catholic woman (my Great Grandmother). His family disowned him and his life was threatened by the Masons. They may have even attempted to murder him.

There is a family heirloom that supposedly is a splinter from Jesus' cross. However, this is probably not true. But the relic was bought in the Dark Ages when the Church was selling indulgences. So its still really old and an interesting piece.

Most of my family is Irish or French-however my grandfathers grandmother was Brazilian (sp?). So I'm a pretty good mix of cultures. I've narrowed down my bloodline to certain aspects of how I am today. Im a good bit Irish, so whenever I having a good time drinking, eating, more specifically eating Lucky Charms, thats probably the Irish coming out of me. I think the French comes out whenever I am scared of something or in a bad mood. My Brazillian (sp?) comes out of me whenever I am being sauve, which is rare, or whenever I get a good tan or feel the need to go somewhere in the nude.

Thats all I can remember right now about my fam. I know there is more that is the back of my mind. I'll update as I remember.

Cobb out!