Brian's Blog

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Who still wears their graduation gown?

Everyone who still wears their graduation gown raise their hand. I better see all your hands up!

Since we got to keep our caps, gowns, tassles, and cape thingies I have decided to incorporate this commencement ensemble into my daily wardrobe. So far, I have worn the collection to the mall, church, out to eat, fishing, my South class (I attempted to show Silk the Shocker up- I succeeded), a bar, swimming, and working out. I have found that the public loves SHC graduates. Often while wearing the garb, many people stare and take pictures. I think its because of the fact that they have never seen an SHC graduate before and they know that they are of a lesser kind so they must capture the moment. However, a very said thing happened a few days ago. While, hiking through the great wilderness known as West Mobile my gown got caught in a briar patch. While I struggled to free myself from the unrelenting shrubbery I ripped a small hole in my gown. Though, I escaped unharmed my gown did not. After 3 hours of crying and a bottle of whiskey I turned to my Mommy for some help in sewing the threads back up. She said sure and asked why I had tears in my eyes and alcohol on my breath. I replied, "Don't worry about it--just sew woman!" So she did. I now I am reunited with my gown. Which I am wearing at the moment. So, all is good.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

crazy class part 3

So, just when I started to think that the class was winding down and the characters in it had begun to lose my interest. Like that episode of "Boy Meets World" when Sean meets his long lost brother, a new character emerged for the soul purpose of adding flare and spice to a stagnant atmosphere. This new character, though usually quiet and reserved, showed up in a purple silk jumpsuit. My fellow student, and now mentor, wore the fabric like he was born in it and strutted around like he just made a mediocre rap album. He gained a new respect from me and everyone that was within a 100 yard distance of the bright technicolor dream threads. Milton choked on his cupcake. Kip began to cry and curled up into a fetal position for a half hour. Crazy Carl took gasped at the sight and choked on some of his really long hair. I kneeled to show my respect and honor. I don't have a cool name for this guy yet. But my choices are Silk the Shocker or Pat.

Peace out white trout!

Friday, June 10, 2005

ignore the last blog

There are some major awesome benefits to eating styrofoam. Once you get past the stomach ache. For instance:
1) I now will be in existence for over a million years
2) I float and can be used as a flotation device--I actually got certified by the USCG to be functional life saving device. I have to wear a tag on my belly now!
3) I keep cold things cool.
4) I keep hot things warm.

There are some small disadvantages though. Here they are:
1) I have a stomach ache.
2) I can't be microwaved.
3) I can't achieve my goal as a deep sea diver.

Obviously, you can see that there are only 3 disadvantages and 4 benefits. So the cost outweigh the benefits in eating styrofoam. Peace out!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

lesson for June 8, 2005 a.d.

Don't eat styrofoam....Ever. Even if you are bet $20 you wont do it.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

crazy class part 2

Brother Kip- Yea. This guy closely resembles Napoleon Dynamite's brother Kip. He like everyone else is really devoted to this class. Not much to him. Just looks like Kip. He stole Milton's seat on Friday. A major confrontation was avoided (unfortunately) because Milton was intimidated by Kip's 5'4'' frame. I was disappointed because I was expecting to see a brawl that would've probably surpassed the fierce fight I saw between a midget and a wet paperbag back in '94 while I was in Mexico. Oh well. Maybe next class there will be some punches or slaps or insults thrown relating to Star Wars or Star Trek. I don't know one can only hope.

The Professor-kind of a jackass. weird looking too.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

crazy class

So out of boredom I came up with some nicknames for the people in my South class.

Milton-This student/self-proclaimed professor closely resembles the character from the movie Office Space. And more importantly he talks like him too. Milton is hardcore about this class. So hardcore that he printed everyone copies of quizes. In which he handed them out to everyone that showed up today. I'm really scared about what may happen if someone steals his stapler.

Short-Shorts Stan- Typical frat guy wannabe. He dresses in uniform to class. His uniform entails kakie shorts that are a little too short, flipflops, and a Greek organization t-shirt. Today he wore a sorority shirt. He like Milton his hardcore about this class. And will be prepared to study all night and day in order to make the best grade he can. I presume this grade is going to be a C+.

Crazy Carl- Like Milton and Stan he is slightly obsessed with this class. And hes crazy. He looks like a middle-aged rock star. That has a crazy "I'm here to learn damn it!" look. He has long unbrushed hair, he wheres old t-shirts, and blue jeans. Kind of resembles a "big lebowski" type look.

I'll write more about these folks.